Saturday, November 3, 2018

My world

  • Something big:  I stepped off of the plane on an uncomfortably hot and humid afternoon in September of 2015.  I felt the humidity entrenched over my body.  All I had in hand was two small suitcases filled with belongings and photos of my loved ones.  I scanned the view around me to take it all in.  The sky stretched out before my eyes for miles and I witnessed the vast, brightly colored sky that I had only witnessed in movies.  This would be my home for the year and a half of my life. 
  • Something broken: I was on the freeway driving home from a long and stressful day at work.  Unfortunately, my week outside of work was also long and stressful.  I sat in my car thinking about how I couldn’t possibly take another thing.   Just then, I felt my car being launched forward several feet in front of me. I pulled over to the side of the road, stepped out of my vehicle, and surveyed the damage that had taken place.  My back fender was completely smashed in.  This event was the icing on the cake of my undesirable and unfortunate week.
  • Something artistic or something man made: I can still the voice of my mother in the back of my mind reminding me to practice the piano.  As a child, sitting down to practice the piano was at the very bottom of my "favorite things" list.  I grew up on the east coast, as a nine year old girl, I felt like my time was best spend playing in the forest behind my house and getting dirty rolling around in the leaves.  You can imagine the struggle it was for my mother to get me to sit down and actual practice my songs.  I can't say I appreciated that persistency at the time, but looking back, I am so grateful she stuck to her guns. 
  • Something Mysterious: Why was I born into the family that I have?  Why was a born a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Why did my life path lead me to BYU? Why have I met the people that I have? Why do I feel strong love from a God I’ve never seen? These questions are pertinent in my mind, and honestly, I don’t think I’ll know the answers to these questions in this life.   
Image: my first photo taken in Oklahoma 


  1. I LOVE that picture of OK. It's incredible how the big sky and wide-open spaces bring out a part of us that never gets seen inside the suburbs or city. Growing up on a farm, that space simply made me feel as free as a bird. It brings room for spiritual growth.

  2. I like the questions you ask in your "something mysterious" section. I have asked those questions myself, and sometimes I see others who live under different circumstances and I think of how they can be blessed differently and be just as happy as I am.
