Friday, November 23, 2018

The Temple of Peace

In Winston Churchill's speech, Sinews of Peace, he outlines a metaphor for peace that builds his credibility and appeals to the audience’s both emotional and logical senses. 

Churchill's painting of the Parthenon; conveys destruction of war
Churchill sets the stage for his metaphor by preceding it with an outline of the tragic and painful consequences of war the United States (and Britain) have already experienced.  Vocabulary such as “two gaunt marauders,” “frightful disturbance,” “the curse of war,” “distorted,” and “broken” evoke haunting memories and fear of the future that cause the audience to open their ears to a solution.  Before diving into the solution just yet, Churchill carefully creates for his audience a sense of ownership—this is “our supreme task,” not just mine, and not just yours.  Only by recognizing this responsibility will his listeners heed his suggestions.

In that moment of vulnerability, he expands on the already-proposed solution of a world-wide organization whose purpose is to prevent war by emphasizing that this method must be a "true temple of peace…not merely a cockpit in a Tower of Babel."  By labeling this proposition as a temple of peace, Churchill connects with the audience, appealing to their desire to live lives free of war and worry.  Whereas they beforehand might not have seen the self-applicability of the world-wide war-preventing organization, they are now on board.  They consider temples places free of war and full of refuge, and this can now be their goal.

Churchill specifies that this must be an immovable temple--"built…upon a rock"--that won't crumble and fall, thus building trust with his audience by assuring them that this is no half-hearted endeavor; he’s committed to doing all he can to bring this to pass.  Churchill's following paragraph outlines his "definite and practical proposal."  This word-choice and the s
ubsequent explanation provide a logical appeal to his audience, and now they not only feel the validity of his proposal and understand how it can happen.

These several emotional and logical appeals, as well as the credibility Churchill builds, inspire his audience to feel a need to do something, take ownership for the problem, and understand how the solution will be executed.

Image source: The Parthenon (via Providence Mag)

Monday, November 19, 2018

The Birth of Film

     1878 marked the year that the first ever "movie" or moving picture was introduced in the world. The title was The Horse in Motion and it was created by Eadweard Muybridge. Following this short sequence of moving pictures that Muybridge brought into the world, many other creators latched onto this idea of moving photography and thus film was born.
     I was surprised to find that many movies of this time period already began to explore the realms of horror and science fiction. There was a film by the name of Le Voyage dans la Lune, (A Trip to the Moon) that depicted a man landing on the moon in what is recognized by all as the first sci-fi film. Many other genres emerged from this genesis of an art form, such as the western, animated cartoons, and horror films.

Image result for trip to the moon
     It is interesting to note that many of these filmmakers hung on to many of the ideas and themes of the romantic period such as horror and the exploration of the illogical. Film, like many other mediums, would become a vessel for the ideas and aspirations of society, helping turn the wheels and grease the axle of progress in its own, new way.
     While certainly not as timeless as written literature or many other forms of visual art, film today is certainly one of the most lucrative as well as one of the most talked about art forms. Movies such as documentary have the power to raise awareness, social issues could be represented on a accessible scale in adventure films to help spread ideas and highlight certain injustices, and inspiration for the future of technology could be found in many great science fiction films in a way that words written on a paper or motionless drawings simply could not.
     There were many different political and economical calamities of the Gilded Age, and those should not be overlooked, but the emergence of such a universal and beautiful form of art is often overlooked in the wake the great depression and the two world wars. I often wonder why film is not studied as seriously as a part of general education among public schools and universities, as the richness and depth of this particular form of art is still being uncovered to this day.

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