Thursday, June 6, 2019

Nature's Effect on Mental Health

A healthy dose of nature may be just
what a patient needs.
by Alex Roweton

Although medication and therapy are often effective for treating mental illnesses, nature may have the ability to help those who are resistant to traditional methods of treatment.

As mental health becomes less and less of a taboo subject in society, it’s important to think about the different approaches to treatment that work for different people. One person might respond well to medication and therapy as a method of treatment for their mental illness, but traditional methods may not work for another. Although medication and therapy are often effective for treating mental illnesses, nature may have the ability to help those who are resistant to traditional methods of treatment. Wilderness therapy (sometimes known as forest bathing) involves spending time in nature and may be just what a treatment-resistant patient needs.

The Dark Sides of Wealth Redistribution: A Caution

An evenly divided financial pie mosaic.
By Nate Kloepfer

We all have a desire to help our neighbor, but are wealth redistribution welfare policies the right way to do it?

In many countries today, prosperity and wealth have reached unprecedented levels. However, there are still many who have not reaped the benefits of our modern-day levels of prosperity. Many are still struggling each day to make ends meet and to survive. A large question arises: why are there still poor individuals in this age of wealth and prosperity?

It is a good and natural feeling to want to help those who are economically less fortunate. These are the emotions that motivate some to propose and implement government intervention in the economy, such as progressive tax rates and generous welfare benefits. But do these policies fix the wealth disparity in the nation, or are they just a quick fix with long-term negative consequences?

Here lies the tension between the ideologies of laissez-faire economics and interventionist economics that can be traced back to the 19th century. Unlike leading to the prosperity of all, the wealth redistribution policies of progressive taxation and large government benefits lead to economic stagnation and collapse.

Gene therapy: A Biological Revolution

by Mark Piazza

LG Health Exchange Legislation Testimony
Legislators meet to discuss future laws concerning healthcare
"Legislation that restricts gene-based medical research should be based on history and fact"

In February 2019, there was a massive public outcry over the Chinese scientist He Jiankui using the gene editing technology known as CRISPR to alter the genome of twin human fetuses. (Mischel 2019). This event garnered criticism from people both inside and outside the scientific community and sparked debate about the ethical nature of such experiments, and when should national and international governments step in to stop or regulate gene-editing research?

Want to Help the Environment? Print More Coupons

by Christopher Belnap

If the intended goal is to save the environment, we need to focus on passing policies that will incentivize businesses and people to adopt helpful actions without banning harmful actions. 

The congressional class of 2018

For many, the state of the environment has quickly become one of the most polarizing issues in the United States today. Since the early 2000s, we have started to see the effects of our environmental ambivalence which began during the industrial boom of the nineteenth century. In order for lasting environmental change to occur, we need to pass legislation that incentivizes companies to "go green." Government incentives are integral in causing a "Green Industrial Revolution."

The Untapped Potential of Music

By Tyler Johnson

 Music is a powerful tool for a stronger brain that works at any point in a person's life.

Music interacts with the human brain in a unique way. Across nearly all cultures, music is used as a way to express emotion. The "feelings" part of the brain is almost always activated when music is heard. This is even observed in infants.

At the same time, as any musician will tell you, music is extremely complex. There are many scales, keys, and chords. There is a vast array of rhythmic complexity, from the simple straight time, to the counter-intuitive poly-rhythm. This requires the "logic" portions of the brain.

Because of this, music has been found to be a very effective treatment for a wide variety of both physical and mental ailments. It's effectiveness raises the question: Do we need to wait until after a person is sick before unlocking the power of music?

Computational Thinking: The Catalyst of Humanity - Draft

by Joshua Parmley

From the printing press to nuclear physics, the logic of computer science shaped history. Education should focus on that logic to shape the future.

Computational History has driven history
and will determine the course of the future
Computational thinking is the thought process behind using science and mathematics to consistently manipulate the natural world. Eusiuk Sung and Jeanette Wing define it as "taking an approach to solving problems, designing systems, and understanding human behavior that draws on concepts fundamental to computing". This methodology has existed for centuries and developed into the computer science take we have today. It is evident throughout history, and its successful application is accompanied with major changes in society and regional standards of living. Due to the incredible impact that computational thinking had in developing the world today, institutions of higher education should require students of all majors to learn how to apply computational thinking to their fields of work and study.

What Makes a Business Virtuous: Draft 1

By Kelsey Sampson

Although it is highly important for businesses to have corporate social responsibility programs, it is inadequate if the core business does not cover their more basic responsibilities. 

Cotopaxi's "Do Good" mission is at the heart of their CSR
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is any business action that addresses widespread social, community, environmental, or other issues by utilizing company resources (usually in the form of profits). Especially in the 21st century, the emergence of CSR programs in more businesses has led individuals to question what the role of business should be in approaching social issues. There has also been a push businesses to address more basic responsibilities, such as diversity in the workplace or minimizing their carbon footprint.