Saturday, November 3, 2018

I Don't Know

Something Big: The earth is absolutely massive
I've always loved flying. I love the airport, I love free pretzels and I love sipping a ginger ale cranapple mix out of a tiny red straw. The craziest part of flying to me is the descent. It's insane to look out the window and see how tiny and monopoly like all the buildings and properties look, sky scrapers look like you could push them over with your hand and the land plots in circles and squares make you feel like you're a child playing with a toy city. The magnitude of how enormous and how small the world is all at the same time is completely baffling to me.

Something Broken: Children's Unit at the Utah State Hospital
I'm taking an abnormal psychology class this semester because it totally fascinates me. We are required to volunteer 22 hours for the semester and I somehow ended up in a unit that I don't think I'm technically supposed to be on, but it's been cool, terrifying and heartbreaking at the same time. I volunteer on the children's unit. For a child to be institutionalized in a psych hospital, it has to be pretty intense for them to get there. They need to be completely uncontrollable, have almost committed murder or be a serious threat to others. To justify these kids being taken away from their families it has to be so out of hand that the benefit of treatment outweighs the damage of being away from parents. But there is so much dissonance. These boys will be in the hospital for months, with little to no parental love or closeness, they learn behaviors from each other, they hurt and have to sleep in their cell room with a sheet and a blanket. There is no one to hold them if they cry. It can't be right.

Something Artistic: Music
There is no other way I'd rather spend my money than on a good concert. I'm not moneybags over here, but I'm more than happy to shell out, travel or go to ridiculous measures to see one of my favorite artists. I think I'm my absolute happiest when I'm listening to incredible music that makes me feel things. I can't get enough of it. Now I'm obsessed with creating it on my own music that hopefully does that same thing for other people. (click here if you're curious) . I'm still not where I want to be, but the fact that music can do that for people enthralls me. I want to do that for others, and I'm not quite there yet, but I will be someday.

Something Mysterious: Death
The classic primary lesson of the glove and the hand makes sense. It does. But when someone I know dies, it still is baffling to me. The fact that they can be here, and then gone is so disheveling to me. The fact that someday my parents will die is haunting. The rest of the world will continue on, but when that day comes and the people that have been the most consistent in my life are gone I know it'll totally rock my world.


  1. Well, first of all, I looked up your music -- it's fantastic. I think it's baffling that something so seemingly mundane as making noise can resonate so much with us as beautiful. In a way, listening to the vibrations music makes is like getting a massage for your brain, I think.

  2. As a mother, your experience with those young children is just heartbreaking. The sad fact is, we all come into this world as broken creatures, with many trials. Their behavior is their trial and the trial of those who love them. I just hope that those who care for them can love and comfort them as much as possible. On a more positive note: keep up with your music! I believe in you!
