Monday, September 17, 2018

The Smartphone: A Modern- Day Communication Revolution

Image result for first smartphone everWhat was the greatest invention ever developed?  Many would argue that it was Johannes Gutenberg's printing press.  Surely, there have been few other inventions that could rival the profound impact that the printing press had on society.  The printing press absolutely revolutionized the way we communicate with each other!  Before the mid 1400s, knowledge was very limited to the wealthy and to those who were already well educated!  This created a great inequality in the society at that time.  Thankfully, in 1440, Gutenberg developed the printing press, and it opened up a whole new world to those who had previously lacked the ability and opportunity to educate themselves.  The impact of the printing press on humanity cannot be overstated.  There were so many wide reaching effects that transcended time and space.   

Today I want to also talk about the great- grandchild of Gutenberg's printing press.  The picture included here is a picture of the very first smartphone ever, released in 1992 by IBM.  The smartphone has revolutionized communication much in the same way that the printing press did.  Now, I don't want people to misunderstand and think that I am suggesting that the smartphone is a greater invention than the printing press.  I believe that the two cannot be compared.  However, the advent of the smartphone has absolutely changed the way that we communicate, much as the printing press did.  It has made knowledge much more readily available than Gutenberg could have ever imagined. Within seconds, we can have whatever information we could desire at our fingertips.  We can communicate with anyone in the world, face to face, over video chats!! Again, the impact of the smartphone on the way we communicate cannot be overstated.  

Did the people in Gutenberg's time know that they were experiencing something that would change the world forever?  Who knows? But one of the many great advantages we have is being able to recognize history when we are living in it.  

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  1. The telecommunications network really has revolutionized modern communication. The methods we had to use centuries ago compared to the technologies we have today have made it so that the world is interconnected like never before. This is part of the reason we have a global economy; such a thing would never be possible without instantaneous communications. The printing press revolutionized communication in its time, the phone in its time. I wonder what will come next.

  2. Yeah, I wouldn't consider it a stretch to say the smartphone impact on society is similar to that of the printing press. Our entire method of living has changed when we consider the benefits of a phone that can track our location, energy level, sleep schedule, connect us to anyone in the world in a dozen ways, connect us to most information known in the modern world, and entertain us in innovative ways.

  3. This is an interesting idea that I hadn't really thought of. The smartphone has absolutely revolutionized our world, I definitely agree with you on that. And how cool that we are able to recognize the effects of the smartphone while it's happening. I also think that having access to a smartphone opens up many opportunities for education, just like the printing press did. So many people are self taught these days based off of apps, youtube videos, etc.

  4. You make an interesting point with your post. Much of the ground breaking technology today such as the smart phone is directed related to communication through reading and writing. The invention of the printing press can never be overstated because it was the seed panted for all other technology that continues to be developed.

  5. Communication innovations have always had a huge impact on mankind. Language, writing, printing, computers, and phones have all massively accelerated societies forward from what they were before. This post was very insightful.
