Saturday, September 22, 2018

The Disappearing Venetian Treasures

During the 16th century, Venice became the printing capital of the world. Mass printing became a powerful tool of mass communication at the time. The demand for printing became so large that many aspiring entrepreneurs and humanists chose to center their work here. Venice offered many powerful advantages including:
  • Easy access to the Adriatic sea
  • Economic wealth
  • A center of trade and industry
This is a photo of Venetian waterways that I took myself
With these advantages, many aspiring artists, merchants, patrons, and other influential people were drawn to Venice. It quickly became a place of beauty and wonder. Few cities could match the novelty of a metropolitan built on the water.

Unfortunately, the city is not what it once was. While still maintaining much of the novelty and aesthetics that it once held, it now lacks a reliable economy and infrastructure to manage the upkeep. The city is quickly going bankrupt as the economy has shifted to a tourism-based income. The city is more interested in marketing it's unique qualities than protecting the city. This is evident in the contaminated water, pollution levels, and overpopulation. Large cruise ships have also begun to dock in the city, further raising water levels and damaging the unique environment. 

Europe is largely a progressive society. Some areas do a better job than others at taking care of their cities. I feel that Venice is lacking largely in this department despite it being a city that needs more upkeep than others. The past is literally sinking into the sea, and before long the damage will be irreversible. The city no longer has the industrious society that it needs to protect the cities unique history.

1 comment:

  1. I can certainly understand your disappointment with the way Venice is today. I served in Italy as a missionary for two years and during that time and got to see more than most people. One thing that I found to be incredibly important was to try and understand why things are the way they are. From what I found, there are a lot of people who want to change Italy, but they have simply been unable to find the opportunities. It is a terrible cycle that is repeating itself because too many youth are leaving the country looking for a better life. So instead of the change that we Americans might deem necessary people have found something that might not be perfect, but works well enough to get by. But if we take a moment and look within, I am certain that (possibly to a lesser extent) we would find similar problems even here.
