Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Kairos in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the saints use a very different language in their congregations in comparison to how they speak ordinarily. Most speak in accordance with their culture in their regular activities and even inside the meeting houses, but when they pray, give a talk, or teach a lesson their language suddenly becomes more formal. Words like “admonished,” “epistles,” and “cease” are used rather than “got mad at,” “letters,” and “stop.”

Growing Up in the Church of Jesus Christ

The Bible, Book of Mormon and other religious books were written in ancient times and, as would be expected, they were written in ways that reflect those times. Members of the Church have grown up hearing people read these works and teach from them, and teachers habitually use the same phrases and words that are used in the scriptures when they elaborate on what was said. Because of this, it is natural for a member of the Church to automatically revert to speaking with these same terms and expressions when religious topics arise because that is how they have heard people speak about those subjects.

“Kairos” is an ancient term that encompasses the fact that people will alter what they have to say and how they say it based on the time, place and audience. Members of the Church undoubtedly implement the particular words and sentence structures they use because of these same reasons. When they do this, they are able to convey the messages they want to their fellow members, and all understand them.

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  1. We as members of the church really do have our own vocabulary. There are handfuls of phrases and words that I will use only when I am in a church building, and that is because they fit the setting. I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing, I just think it is good to be mindful of when there are nonmembers present so that they don't feel frustrated or confused.

  2. I'm curious about how we would speak if we didn't adopt those vocabulary words in church settings. I do think it can be good sometimes and does show respect in some aspects, but I think that using words we typically use conversationally can help us be more genuine.
