Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Railway to Heaven

The building of railroads was a significant part of the gilded age. The Transcontinental Railroad was built and for the first time people could travel across the United States by train. From history we learn that ideas spread when people begin to have contact with others. People who live is different places or within different communities can have shared beliefs and contrasting ideas. At this time, they obviously didn't have the internet, so this exposure to other people in the States and their ideas would have been extremely significant for them, even more so than it is for us now. 
Original Transcontinental Railroad Map
With the internet and connections so easily made through our phones and computers it isn't as much of a crazy experience for us to experience new ideas. But back when the Transcontinental Railroad was finally finished, for the first time people were able to travel across the whole country. There was a fascination with the wild west, and with cowboys as well as interest in the cities in the east. People were finally allowed to connect with people they otherwise never would have been able to connect with. It really makes me think about progression and how much people can do when they connect with others and share ideas. 

I was in a BYU Adlab meeting about a month ago and someone made the comment that 'On our own, we can go fast, but together we can go far' and that has stayed with me. I can totally see how that applies here in the time of the gilded age as well. In fact, the Transcontinental Railroad itself wasn't even built by one company, it was build by two! Two separate railways, The Central Pacific Railroad and the Union Pacific Railroad came from the east and the west to meet together in Summit Utah where the golden spike was driven into the ground to bring them together. I think there is a lot to be said about teaming up with other people and sharing ideas, there is a lot we can do on our own, I'm sure of it, but there's WAY more we can do when we come together, share ideas and really work.

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  1. I love that idea of coming and working together. I also thought while I was reading this how cool it is that progress fuels progress. Many things had to fall into place to make this railroad even conceivable. Once it was in place, people were able to see and learn things previously unavailable and then continue that forward motion.

  2. The railroad definitely expanded opportunity for many people. These advances in transportation also aided with and forwarded communication. they went from the pony express to railway mail services that were more frequent, and it's improved even more up to today.
