Friday, October 4, 2019

Resurgence of Reform

Throughout history, there has been a constant human characteristic of seeing something wrong with the way that things traditionally are and going about finding a way to change it. From religious to social to educational reform, movements throughout history have made the privileges we have today realities rather than hopes or dreams.

One of the main forms of reformation was religious. When Martin Luther pinned his 95 theses to the door of a Catholic church, he evoked a movement throughout his German community that made it possible for the separation of the Catholic and the Protestant church. He gave those that agreed with him, in that the Catholic church in a way was corrupt, a voice. He allowed for them to formulate their own opinions and decide where they stood. He facilitated his fellow Germans to think for themselves rather than be told what to believe.

Reform is not only religious but there are many different kinds. As we follow reform throughout history it leads us to our Suffragettes. Women, who were tired of not being heard and trampled under the feet of men making policies that did not account for the other half of the population,
decided once and for all it was time for them to put their foot down. Through their courage and resilience, I have the ability to vote; for my voice to be heard and make a difference within my nation.

Moving forward we can see that these are only two types of reform and there are plenty more that have stimulated growth for the human race. Educational, technological, informational, judicial and literature reform have all helped to shape the world into what we see it as today. Our world is constantly changing because of people, like Martin Luther, George Washington, Susan B Anthony, Isocrates or Steve Jobs, have all shaped our world. Whether it be in the past or present, their influence is still being felt and will continue to be far into the future.

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