Thursday, May 16, 2019

Hot Spots in Journalism

  • Journalism in Politics
When it comes to politics, there is a lot of controversy because politicians hold power and with power, comes responsibility. There is a lot of criticism that goes on because most people, when they think journalism, they think of the people who leak all of the gossip and secrets. Publishing quotes from people can cause chaos and for this reason, it is important to get the facts right and to not be persuaded by others or even popular opinion. It is often hard to find that balance. (see 
  • Freedom of the Press
There is a lot of controversy about how far journalists can go with the word “freedom” when it comes to freedom of putting out words. It has become hard to tell where to draw the line. When it comes to the freedom of the press, Trump says that the problem is ignorance and not getting facts right. (see for his opinion)
  • Freedom of Speech
The question on what this means and if it means you can say anything is still pretty vague. As people freely express what they wish, there are problems created, but what do we do about this? The question is still out there.

As I read more about these headings I can't help, but think about how important self expression is. Sharing what you might deem as important and beneficial to an individual is inspiring, can be creative and can change perspectives. With all that and these bullets above, it isn't easy and with everything we do, we can do, but a lot of times, we must filter ourselves, but not filter our creativity.

Going into journalism myself, learning and studying more about all these things has opened up my mind in ways that I have not thought of. Moving forward and being aware of these things is important and I can see that now.

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of journalism being a check on a leader's power, and enhancing the leader's transparency. A leader may think twice before doing a particular deed if they know that the public will find out about it. This also highlights the importance of honesty in journalism. If a journalist or a group of journalists knowingly reports a false fact with the intent to harm, it becomes libel and the political leader's credibility will be harmed.
